I have an IntelliJ project using Spring MVC and with Hibernate FlushMode set to auto as default.
The problem is: when I try to delete an object from the db, using the web interface, it works fine, but after the third time I do that, the interface becomes not responsive (even though Hibernate receives the command to delete that certain object with that certain ID) and I have to reboot my WildFly server.
Any idea where I can change that? Is there a way to set it in a configuration file or I have to invoke a method to set it? And even if the problem is the FlushMode itself. Regards
UPDATE: After testing several things, I think I finally found the root of the problem. If I access the db for more than three times consecutively, the server becomes unresponsive. How can I overcome this?
UPDATE#2: I found that the problem was that in the Dao the connection was opened but never closed (there wasn't a line "session.close()" just to be clear). And that was the reason After three pooling from the db, was it either to add items, delete them or just get infos, the server became unresponsive. Now everything works perfectly!
I actually didn't get your question properly. The third time you try to delete something from your frontend, the web page gets stuck? The third time you make a delete request is the request stuck with hibernate? Could be a little clear about what actually is happening/or what issue you are facing.
To answer your question - how to setFlushMode in hibernate: