is a sas data set with 4 variables: an id
and variables storing info on all the activities a respondent shares with 3 different members of a team they're on. There are 4 different activity types, identified by the numbers populating in the :_activities
vars for each player (p1 to p3). Below are the first 5 obs:
id p1_activities p2_activities p3_activities
A 1,2,3,4 1,3
B 1,3 1,2,3 1,2,3
C 1,2,3 1,2,3
D 1,2,3
E 1,2,3 1
Consider respondent A: they share all 4 activities with player 1 on their team, and activities 1 and 3 with player 2 on their team. I need to create flags for each player position and each activity. For example, a new numeric variable p1_act2_flag
should equal 1
for all respondents who have a value of 2
appearing in the p1_activities
character variable. Here are the first 6 variables I need to create out of the 12 total for the data shown:
p1_act1_flag p1_act2_flag p1_act3_flag p1_act4_flag p2_act1_flag p2_act2_flag …
1 1 1 1 1 0 …
1 0 1 0 1 1 …
. . . . 1 1 …
. . . . 1 1 …
1 1 1 0 . . …
I do this now by initializing all of the variable names in a length statement, then writing a ton if-then statements. I want to use far fewer lines of code, but my array logic is incorrect. Here's how I try to create the flags for player 1:
data want;
length p1_act1_flg p1_act2_flg p1_act3_flg p1_act4_flg
p2_act1_flg p2_act2_flg p2_act3_flg p2_act4_flg
p3_act1_flg p3_act2_flg p3_act3_flg p3_act4_flg
p4_act1_flg p4_act2_flg p4_act3_flg p4_act4_flg 8.0;
set have;
array plracts {*} p1_activities p2_activities p3_activities;
array p1actflg {*} p1_act1_flg p1_act2_flg p1_act3_flg p1_act4_flg;
array p2actflg {*} p2_act1_flg p2_act2_flg p2_act3_flg p2_act4_flg;
array p3actflg {*} p3_act1_flg p3_act2_flg p3_act3_flg p3_act4_flg;
array p4actflg {*} p4_act1_flg p4_act2_flg p4_act3_flg p4_act4_flg;
do i=1 to dim(plracts);
do j=1 to dim(p1actflg);
if find(plracts{i}, cats(put(j, $12.))) then p1actflg{j}=1;
else if missing(plracts{i}) then p1actflg{j}=.;
else p1actflg{j}=0;
*do this again for the other p#actflg arrays;
My "array subscript is out of range" because of the different lengths of the player and activity arrays, but nesting in different do-loops would result in me writing many more lines of code than a wallpaper solution.
How would you do this more systematically, and/or in far fewer lines of code?
Not sure why you are processing 4 activities for flags when there are only 3.
Some ideas:
to stay within array bounds.Not fewer, but perhaps more robust ?
This code examines each item in the activities list as opposed to seeking presence of a specific items (1..4):
data want;
set have;
array activities
array flags(3,4)
do i = 1 to dim(activites);
if missing(activities[i]) then continue; %* skip;
do j = 1 by 1;
item = scan ( activities[i], j, ',' );
if missing(item) then leave; %* no more items in csv list;
item_num = input (item,?1.);
if missing(item_num) then continue; %* skip, csv item is not a number;
if item_num > hbound(flags,2) or item_num < lbound(flags,2) then do;
put 'WARNING:' item_num 'is invalid for flagging';
continue; %* skip, csv item is missing, 0, negative or exceeds 4;
flags (i, item_num) = 1;
* backfill zeroes where flag not assigned;
do j = 1 to hbound(flags,2);
flags (i, item_num) = sum (0, flags (i, item_num)); %* sum() handles missing values;
Here is the same processing, but only searching for specific items to be flagged:
data have; length id activities_p1-activities_p3 $20;input
id activities_p1-activities_p3 ; datalines;
A 1,2,3,4 1,3 .
B 1,3 1,2,3 1,2,3
C . 1,2,3 1,2,3
D . 1,2,3 .
E 1,2,3 . 1
data want;
set have;
array activities
array flags(3,4)
do i = 1 to dim(activities);
if not missing(activities[i]) then
do j = 1 to hbound(flags,2);
flags (i,j) = sum (flags(i,j), findw(trim(activities[i]),cats(j),',') > 0) > 0;
What's going on ?
return 4 as upper limit of second dimensionfindw(trim(activities[i]),cats(j),',')
find position of j in csv string
needed to remove trailing spaces which are not part of findw
word delimiter listcats
converts j number to character representationfindw
returns position of j in csv string.
out spaces and other junk if activity data values are not reliable.> 0
evaluates position to 0
j not present and 1
present > 0
is a another logic evaluation that ensures j present flag remains 0
or 1
. Otherwise flags would be a frequency count (imagine activity data 1,1,2,3
covers the 3 x 4 slots available for flagging.