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How to get rid of > < (html tags) in API?

I am making a <a href="http"//">woot app, and I am using the API. in the description section of the XML rss file, there are always a lot of &gt; and &lt; (less than and greater than < >) surrounding the html tags. I realize they did this so as not to confuse them with the XML tags, but it is kind of annoying. I can't just put the code that I get from the XML file right into a webview, because it displays the less than and greater than signs, and does not actually do the tags. Is there any way to get rid of this easily, or do I just have to make a loop that goes through all of the code, changing the &lt;/tr&gt; to </tr>? I am just wondering how other people have gotten around this problem, or if there is some easy way to do it that I just don't know about.


  • The content is encoded and you just need to decode it--once you do that it should just render like regular html. I would try to do that first before doing any kind of replace. I'm not an iphone developer but maybe this link can help.