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Double-Array Trie Question

I am trying to understand Double-Array Trie implementation from But I do not understand following part.

check[base[s] + c] = s
base[s] + c = t 

What does adding c means here.

Can anybody explain algorithm in simple language.


  • Imagine you collaps a 2D array into a 1D array:

    int arr2D[2][3];
    int arr1D[2 * 3]; // # of rows * # of columns
    // access element [1][2] of 2D array, i.e., the last element
    int elem2D = arr2D[1][2];
    // access element [1][2] of 1D array, i.e., the last element
    int elem1D = arr1D[1 * 3 + 2];
    // =========================================================
    lets visualize the array access:
    arr2D => x/y 0  1  2
              0 [N][N][N]
    +1 on x > 1 [N][N][N]
    +2 on y ---------- ^
    y_len  =>   ^-------^ 3 elements
    so the access happens with x * y_len + y
                               1 *   3   + 2
    now for the 1D array
    we want the second row, so we go with 1 * 3
    (0-based access, y_len = 3)
    and then we want the 3rd element, so + 2
    (again, 0-based access)
    arr1D =>  x  0  1  2 
                 3  4  5
    1 * 3 = 3 > [N][N][N]
          + 2 = 5 ---- ^

    I hope I didn't make this too complicated (even though I think I did...). :)