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How can I execute a specific feature file before the execution of remaining feature files in goDog?

I have a few data setup before implementing the remaining test cases. I have grouped all the data setup required to be executed before the execution of test cases in a single feature file.

How can I make sure that this data setup feature file is executed before executing any other feature file in goDog framework?


  • As I understand your question, you're looking for a way to run some setup instructions prior to running your feature/scenario's. The problem is that scenario's and features are, by design, isolated. The way to ensure that something is executed prior to the scenario running is by defining a Background section. AFAIK you can't apply the same background across features. Scenario's are grouped per feature, and each feature can specify a Background that is executed before each scenario. I'd just copy-paste your setup stuff everywhere you need it:

      Given I have the base data:
        | User | Status   | other fields |
        | Foo  | Active   | ...          |
        | Bar  | Disabled | ...          |

    If there's a ton of steps involved in your setup, you can define a single step that you expand to run all the "background" steps like so:

    Scenario: test something
    Given my test setup runs

    Then implement the my test setup runs like so:

    s.Step(`^my test setup runs$`, func() godog.Steps {
        return godog.Steps{
                       "user test data is loaded", 
                       "other things are set up",
                       "additional data is updated",
                       "update existing records",
                       "setup was successful",

    That ought to work.

    Of course, to avoid having to start each scenario with that Given my test setup runs, you can just start each feature file with:

       Given my test setup runs

    That will ensure the setup is performed before each scenario. The upshot will be: 2 additional lines at the start of each feature file, and you're all set to go.