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How To Have Expo Web Open In A Web Browser With Localhost?

Running npm start or expo start launches the project as follows:

React  You can now view My React Native App in the browser.

  Local:            http://localhost:19006/   On Your Network:

Note that the development build is not optimized.

 › To create a production build, run expo build:web  › Press Ctrl+C to exit.

 Expo  Press ? to show a list of all available commands.

Launching the Expo web by pressing ‘w’ opens Chrome browser with the IP address URI as advised.

However because of the office VPN, Chrome browser fails to resolve the address. The error is:

This site can’t be reached

Replacing the URL in Chrome with http://localhost:19006 succeeds.

How can I start Expo such that pressing ‘w’ automatically launches with localhost rather than the IP address?


  • To fix, launch expo directly as follows supplying the localhost option:

    expo start —-localhost

    See Expo CLI docs for expo start:

    --localhost Same as --host localhost