I want to make use of the AWS-SES sdk's putAccountSuppressionAttributes
functionality. From AWS' documentation they say that this functionality is available in the AWS Java SDK. I have managed to find the class and method in their javadoc, but cannot seem to find the AmazonSimpleEmailServiceV2
interface or the entire com.amazonaws.services.simpleemailv2
package in any of the AWS SDK jars.
I have tried com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-ses:1.11.712
(the latest 1.X
version of the SDK at time of writing) and software.amazon.awssdk:ses:2.10.53
(looking for the software.amazon.awssdk.services.sesv2
package instead) but there the v2
packages are not present.
Which jars are these v2
ses packages/apis provided in?
AWS Support have clarified that it is available in com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-sesv2