I am trying to obtain the string before '_' character, I am using:
select SUBSTR('Lorik_1', 1, INSTR('Lorik_1','_') - 1) from dual;
This works fine for this case, but I want to modify it to work with values which don't have '_'.
select SUBSTR('Lorik', 1, INSTR('Lorik','_') - 1) from dual;
In this case it will output NULL and this does not work for me!
How can I modify this query so it will output 'Lorik', but when '_' is present it will remove it and the string after it.
P.S. I cannot use Case when statements
One option, using REGEXP_SUBSTR
WITH yourTable AS (
SELECT 'Lorik_1' AS col FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT 'Lorik' FROM dual
SELECT REGEXP_SUBSTR (col, '^[^_]+')
FROM yourTable;
This outputs Lorik
for both columns, see the demo here: