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dropTA specific indicator by name

Can't figure out how to delete a specified indicator by name from TA list in R quantmod.

getSymbols("AAPL", src="yahoo", from = '2018-01-1', to = '2019-01-1')
#my custom indicator
AAPL_sma_50 <- SMA(
 n = 50
candleChart(AAPL, up.col = "black", dn.col = "red", theme = "white")
addTA(AAPL_sma_50, on = 1, col = "blue")

listTA() output:

[[1]] addVo()

[[2]] addTA(ta = AAPL_sma_50, on = 1, col = "blue")

[[3]] addBBands()

I'm able to do delete built-in with dropTA('addBBands'), but cannot delete custom indicator the same way:

Error in dropTA("AAPL_sma_50") : nothing to remove

dropTA(2) is not working by index either - it always deletes first element

How I can delete the second custom one only, or how to create it, to be able to delete later by name- e.g. dropTA('myCustomIndicator')


  • There are a few options to remove TA's from the plot. The trick is to know that when you use addTA(my_indicator), you can not use dropTA(my_indicator). Because you added the TA via addTA(), so you need to call dropTA(ta = "addTA").

    Now a few possibilies:

    dropTA(all = TRUE) # removes all technical indicators
    dropTA(ta = "addBBAnds") # removes the bolinger bands you added via addBBands()

    If you added a few custom TA's with addTA, you can specify which version to delete if you now the order.

    dropTA(ta = "addTA", occ = 2) # removes the second occurence of the TA you added
    dropTA(ta = "addTA", all = TRUE) # removes all TA's added with addTA

    This is useful when you have used multiple addEMA or addSMA indicators to the chart.

    example with EMA indicators:

    getSymbols("AAPL", src="yahoo", from = '2018-01-1', to = '2019-01-1')
    candleChart(AAPL, up.col = "black", dn.col = "red", theme = "white")
    addEMA(Cl(AAPL), n = 13, on = 1)
    addEMA(Cl(AAPL), n = 21, on = 1)
    addEMA(Cl(AAPL), n = 5, on = 1)
    dropTA(ta = "addEMA", occ = 2) # removes the second occurence of the EMA's you added
    dropTA(ta = "addEMA", all = TRUE) # removes all (other) EMA's added