I have the query:
val sql = """select
partnerName = ?
I read partnerName from excel file and for each I perform the func:
case class Partner(name: String)
case class Client(id: Int, name: String)
def queryPartnerClients(partnerName: String) = Query[String, Client](sql, None).toQuery0(partnerName)
def getPartnerClients(partner: Partner): IO[Vector[Client]] = partnerClients(partner.name)
I used this FAQ (How do I turn an arbitrary SQL string into a Query/Query0)
The problem is getting empty results when I take partner name from excel, but it works if I specify the same partner name in the code like this for example:
def partnerClients(partnerName: String) = {
val temp = "Partner Name"
Query[String, Client](sql, None).toQuery0(temp)
I thought it was the problem with an encoding and I tried to fix it
def partnerClients(partnerName: String) = {
val temp = new String(partner.getBytes("Windows-1251"), "UTF-8")
Query[String, Client](sql, None).toQuery0(temp)
But the result is the same - the empty set.
I use this answer to turn on logging and found out that parameters sent by me contain whitespaces. Trim function fixed it