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How to protect against a process run from xp_cmdshell remaining in KILLED/ROLLBACK state forever?

I'm using xp_cmdshell on SQL Server 2016 SP1 (soon to upgrade to a newer version) to run a couple of things, mainly a batch file that calls psftp.exe, for sending files over SFTP.

Very occasionally, psftp.exe will be in the process of sending a file and the process will be killed. Alternatively, the process will crash mid-send. Either way, this means the SPID that spawned psftp.exe with xp_cmdshell stays in a KILLED/ROLLBACK state forever, since the Database is waiting for some response from the batch file via the command shell, which never arrives.

You can test this yourself like so:

In a SQL Query window start a notepad.exe process

xp_cmdshell 'notepad.exe'

then KILL the spid you just created and check the output of sp_who2:

54      RUNNABLE                        Administrator   hostname      . master  KILLED/ROLLBACK     0   0   07/24 14:23:02  Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio - Query  54      0  

This will stay like this forever even though no Rollback is happening. You will still have a running notepad.exe process:

C:\Users\Administrator>tasklist | find "notepad"

notepad.exe                   4676 Services                   0      3 788 K

Once you quit / end that notepad.exe process, the SQL Server spid is gone too.

It's possible for this to block another process that's using the same DB as the stuck process, and in turn it's possible for that to block TEMPDB, which is very bad. The only solution I've found is to remote into the server and use Task Manager to kill the stuck process, which unblocks everything.

I have a few questions:

1: Can I prevent this behaviour? Is there some kind of process isolation or task isolation I can do to run the batch file without it being bound to a SPID? as in, could I launch my batch file using some boxed-off process that can't block the DB, and therefore can't get stuck in a rollback state, or if it does, it doesn't block anything else?

2: Can I have a script running to detect this situation and automatically remedy it? e.g. Could I check every 5-10 minutes for a xp_cmdshell process stuck in KILLED\ROLLBACK, figure out the Windows task that's keeping in that state and stop it?

3: Are these issues addressed in a more recent SQL Server edition? Would updating to 2019 solve the issue with minimal effort?

Any advice (other than "Don't use your SQL Server this way, dumbass!") welcomed.


  • Thanks to some pointers from @Jeroen Mostert I was able to come up with the following solution. It's a stored procedure that I run periodically from an Agent Job, which checks for and fixes sessions stuck in KILLED/ROLLBACK that were caused by killing a session that was in the middle of running an xp_cmdshell task:

    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_KillStuckSessions]
    DECLARE @ErrorText varchar(4000)
    --Find out if we have any Sessions stuck in a KILLED/ROLLBACK state:
            IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT a.spid
                              FROM sys.sysprocesses a WITH(NOLOCK)
                        INNER JOIN sys.dm_exec_sessions b WITH(NOLOCK) ON a.spid = b.session_id
                             WHERE a.cmd = 'KILLED/ROLLBACK'
                               AND DATEDIFF(minute,a.last_batch,GETDATE()) > 5)
    --If we don't, skip to the end and do nothing.      
          GOTO Endpoint
    --Find out what the stuck session actually is
       DECLARE @StuckTaskName varchar(1000)
       DECLARE @NumStuckJobs integer
        SELECT @NumStuckJobs = COUNT(*) FROM (
        SELECT (
                    SELECT text FROM sys.dm_exec_sql_text(a.sql_handle)) AS SqlCommand
                      FROM sys.sysprocesses a WITH(NOLOCK)
                INNER JOIN sys.dm_exec_sessions b WITH(NOLOCK) ON a.spid = b.session_id
                     WHERE a.cmd = 'KILLED/ROLLBACK'
                       AND DATEDIFF(minute,a.last_batch,GETDATE()) > 5
               ) a
    --If its a single xp_cmdshell process, we want to kill it
            IF @NumStuckJobs <> 1 
                      SET @ErrorText = 'More than 1 session is stuck in KILLED/ROLLBACK - KillStuckSessions cannot kill more than 1. Please remote into the server and fix.'
                     GOTO ErrorHandling 
               SET @StuckTaskName = (SELECT (SELECT text FROM sys.dm_exec_sql_text(a.sql_handle)) AS SqlCommand
                                       FROM sys.sysprocesses a WITH(NOLOCK)
                                 INNER JOIN sys.dm_exec_sessions b WITH(NOLOCK) ON a.spid = b.session_id
                                      WHERE a.cmd = 'KILLED/ROLLBACK')
    --If its anything else, we want to raise an error message with custom error text.
            IF @StuckTaskName <> 'xp_cmdshell' 
                      SET @ErrorText = 'A stuck session was caused by something other than xp_cmdshell - KillStuckSessions cannot kill this process. Please remote into the server and fix.'
                     GOTO ErrorHandling
    --If we get this far, we know that there's one stuck session and it is an xp_cmdshell task.
    --Let's kill the task!
    --Declare a bunch of variables including a table variable to store the output of our wmic commands
       DECLARE @wmicdata table (ProcessID varchar(1000) NULL)
       DECLARE @SQLServerPID integer
       DECLARE @PIDTestA1 integer
       DECLARE @PIDTestA2 integer
       DECLARE @PIDTestB1 integer
       DECLARE @PIDTestB2 integer
       DECLARE @OrphanedPID integer
       DECLARE @StuckProcess1 integer
       DECLARE @StuckProcess2 integer
    --First we run this to get the PID of sqlserver.exe, which is what will have spawned xp_cmdshell
        INSERT @wmicdata
          EXEC xp_cmdshell 'wmic process where (name="sqlservr.exe") get ProcessID'   
           SET @SQLServerPID = (
        SELECT CAST(SUBSTRING(ProcessID, PATINDEX('%[0-9]%', ProcessID),PATINDEX('%[^0-9]%', SUBSTRING(ProcessID, PATINDEX('%[0-9]%', ProcessID), 8000) + 'X') -1) AS integer)
          FROM @wmicdata
         WHERE STUFF(ProcessID, 1, PATINDEX('%[0-9]%', ProcessID)-1, '') IS NOT NULL
           AND ProcessID IS NOT NULL)
    --Next, we run this twice to get the process ID of any stuck child processes of sql server.
       DECLARE @cmdshellInput varchar(1000)
           SET @cmdshellInput = 'wmic process where (ParentProcessId=' + CAST(@SQLServerPID AS varchar(10)) + ') get ProcessID'
    --Run 1    
        DELETE @wmicdata
        INSERT @wmicdata
          EXEC xp_cmdshell @cmdshellInput
           SET @PIDTestA1 = (
        SELECT TOP 1 CAST(SUBSTRING(ProcessID, PATINDEX('%[0-9]%', ProcessID),PATINDEX('%[^0-9]%', SUBSTRING(ProcessID, PATINDEX('%[0-9]%', ProcessID), 8000) + 'X') -1) AS integer)
          FROM @wmicdata
         WHERE STUFF(ProcessID, 1, PATINDEX('%[0-9]%', ProcessID)-1, '') IS NOT NULL
           AND ProcessID IS NOT NULL
      ORDER BY ProcessID ASC)
           SET @PIDTestA2 = (
        SELECT TOP 1 CAST(SUBSTRING(ProcessID, PATINDEX('%[0-9]%', ProcessID),PATINDEX('%[^0-9]%', SUBSTRING(ProcessID, PATINDEX('%[0-9]%', ProcessID), 8000) + 'X') -1) AS integer)
          FROM @wmicdata
         WHERE STUFF(ProcessID, 1, PATINDEX('%[0-9]%', ProcessID)-1, '') IS NOT NULL
           AND ProcessID IS NOT NULL
      ORDER BY ProcessID DESC)
    --Wait a second
       WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:01'
    --Run 2
        DELETE @wmicdata
        INSERT @wmicdata
          EXEC xp_cmdshell @cmdshellInput
           SET @PIDTestB1 = (
        SELECT TOP 1 CAST(SUBSTRING(ProcessID, PATINDEX('%[0-9]%', ProcessID),PATINDEX('%[^0-9]%', SUBSTRING(ProcessID, PATINDEX('%[0-9]%', ProcessID), 8000) + 'X') -1) AS integer)
          FROM @wmicdata
         WHERE STUFF(ProcessID, 1, PATINDEX('%[0-9]%', ProcessID)-1, '') IS NOT NULL
           AND ProcessID IS NOT NULL
      ORDER BY ProcessID ASC)
           SET @PIDTestB2 = (
        SELECT TOP 1 CAST(SUBSTRING(ProcessID, PATINDEX('%[0-9]%', ProcessID),PATINDEX('%[^0-9]%', SUBSTRING(ProcessID, PATINDEX('%[0-9]%', ProcessID), 8000) + 'X') -1) AS integer)
          FROM @wmicdata
         WHERE STUFF(ProcessID, 1, PATINDEX('%[0-9]%', ProcessID)-1, '') IS NOT NULL
           AND ProcessID IS NOT NULL
      ORDER BY ProcessID DESC)
    --The number that doesn't immediately change is our orphaned cmd.exe process. 
    --The number that does change is the wmic command that we're running to get the PID!
            IF @PIDTestA1 = @PIDTestB1
               SET @OrphanedPID = @PIDTestA1
            IF @PIDTestA1 = @PIDTestB2
               SET @OrphanedPID = @PIDTestA1
            IF @PIDTestA2 = @PIDTestB1
               SET @OrphanedPID = @PIDTestA2
            IF @PIDTestA2 = @PIDTestB2
               SET @OrphanedPID = @PIDTestA2
    --If none of them matched, then we had a problem.
            IF @OrphanedPID IS NULL
                      SET @ErrorText = 'A stuck session was caused by something other than xp_cmdshell - KillStuckSessions cannot kill this process. Please remote into the server and fix.'
                     GOTO ErrorHandling
    --Next, run it again on the orhpaned cmd.exe process to find out the child processes that we want to kill
    --There should be 2 tasks total which we want to kill, a conhost.exe and the actual executable which we invoked from xp_cmdshell (psftp.exe)
           SET @cmdshellInput = 'wmic process where (ParentProcessId=' + CAST(@OrphanedPID AS varchar(10)) + ') get ProcessID'
        DELETE @wmicdata
        INSERT @wmicdata
          EXEC xp_cmdshell @cmdshellInput
    --Identify Stuck Process 1    
           SET @StuckProcess1 = (
        SELECT TOP 1 CAST(SUBSTRING(ProcessID, PATINDEX('%[0-9]%', ProcessID),PATINDEX('%[^0-9]%', SUBSTRING(ProcessID, PATINDEX('%[0-9]%', ProcessID), 8000) + 'X') -1) AS integer)
          FROM @wmicdata
         WHERE STUFF(ProcessID, 1, PATINDEX('%[0-9]%', ProcessID)-1, '') IS NOT NULL
           AND ProcessID IS NOT NULL
      ORDER BY ProcessID ASC)
    --Identify Stuck Process 2
           SET @StuckProcess2 = (
        SELECT TOP 1 CAST(SUBSTRING(ProcessID, PATINDEX('%[0-9]%', ProcessID),PATINDEX('%[^0-9]%', SUBSTRING(ProcessID, PATINDEX('%[0-9]%', ProcessID), 8000) + 'X') -1) AS integer)
          FROM @wmicdata
         WHERE STUFF(ProcessID, 1, PATINDEX('%[0-9]%', ProcessID)-1, '') IS NOT NULL
           AND ProcessID IS NOT NULL
      ORDER BY ProcessID DESC)
    --Get the .exe names of the processes we're about to kill
       DECLARE @exe1 AS varchar(1000)
       DECLARE @exe2 AS varchar(1000)
           SET @cmdshellInput = 'wmic process where (ParentProcessId=' + CAST(@OrphanedPID AS varchar(10)) + ') get Name'
        DELETE @wmicdata
        INSERT @wmicdata
          EXEC xp_cmdshell @cmdshellInput
           SET @exe1 = (SELECT TOP 1 ProcessID FROM @wmicdata WHERE ProcessID LIKE '%.%' ORDER BY ProcessID ASC)
           SET @exe2 = (SELECT TOP 1 ProcessID FROM @wmicdata WHERE ProcessID LIKE '%.%' ORDER BY ProcessID DESC)
    --Finally, run these to kill the orphaned child tasks
           SET @cmdshellInput = 'taskkill /f /pid ' + CAST(@StuckProcess1 AS varchar(10))
          EXEC xp_cmdshell @cmdshellInput
           SET @cmdshellInput = 'taskkill /f /pid ' + CAST(@StuckProcess2 AS varchar(10))
          EXEC xp_cmdshell @cmdshellInput
    --Email to say a process was killed
       DECLARE @EmailBody varchar(4000)
           SET @EmailBody = 'A task causing an SQL session to be stuck in KILLED/ROLLBACK was automatically killed on the server.<P>The name(s) of the executables that were killed:<P>' + @exe1 + '<P>' + @exe2
          EXEC Automation.dbo.sp_SendEmailExternally --This is another stored proc of mine that sends emails. You could swap this for sp_send_dbmail
               @Recipients = '[email protected]',
               @Subject = 'Agent Job KillStuckSessions found and killed a stuck session!',  
               @HTMLBody = @EmailBody
    --Finished! Now the killed/rollback session will be gone. 
    --Skip the ErrorHandling section
          GOTO Endpoint
    --Since We're running from an Agent Job, using RAISERROR here will generate an Alert email, and the Agent Job history will contain the custom @ErrorText message.
     RAISERROR (@ErrorText, 16, 1)