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Databricks Spark Cassandra connectivity throwing exception: com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.NoHostAvailableException

I have installed the Cassandra DB in Azure Virtual Machine and want to perform read/write operation through the Azure Databricks. I am going through the Databricks offcial documentation which does not help me in configuration.
I am sharing below my code cum configurations details:

ping -c 2

Response received:

PING ( 56 data bytes
--- ping statistics ---
2 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet loss
// define the cluster name and cassandra host name
val sparkClusterName = "adbazewdobucluster"
val cassandraHostIP = ""

     echo '[driver]."" = "$cassandraHostIP"' >> /home/ubuntu/databricks/common/conf/cassandra.conf
   """.trim, true)

// setting IP of the Cassandra server
spark.conf.set("", "")

//verify sparkconf is set properly

and after applying all the configuration in spark I am trying to retrieve the records from the table resides in Cassandra DB, which is throwing the exception.

val df = sqlContext
  .options(Map( "table" -> "words_new", "keyspace" -> "test"))


com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.NoHostAvailableException: All host(s) tried for query failed (tried: / (com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.TransportException: [/] Cannot connect))

I have checked the my Cassandra DB is running and read/write operation working fine directly.
So my question is: Am I applying the configuration in a right way? If not so then How do I access the Cassandra from the Databricks notebook.
I am using Scala for the Spark framework and my cluster and driver versions are as following:

Databricks Runtime Version
6.2 (includes Apache Spark 2.4.4, Scala 2.11)


cassandra version: 3.11.4


  • If you're running on Azure.. make sure to set broadcast_rpc_address to public IP address or dns hostname these settings must work for you -

    Set rpc address to ip address of your network interface attached to your VM..on Windows - Hyper V Interface.

    rpc_address: <**private ip** of your vm > 

    broadcast rpc address to public ip, on this ip external clients should get response from cassandra on port 9042

    broadcast_rpc_address: <**public ip** or>

    listen address as default to localhost /

    listen_address: **localhost**