In my application I have actions: 'GET_USER', 'GET_DOCS'.
I want to dispatch those actions every ten seconds using effects.
for example, in some component I dispatch an action: startAutoDispatch
, the effects catch this action and start dispach others actions every ten seconds.
Something like this effect:
createEffects(() => this.actions$.pipe(
switchMap(() => ([
{ type: 'GET_USER', payload: null },
{ type: 'GET_DOCS', payload: null }
This is not works. and I don't have the timer to dispatch those actions again and again.
Also I want if the action stopAutoDispatch
dispatch then stop the timer.
How can I solve this issue in rxjs way/ngrx way?
createEffects(() =>
switchMap(() =>
timer(0, 10 * 1000).pipe(
mergeMap(() =>
{ type: 'GET_USER', payload: null },
{ type: 'GET_DOCS', payload: null },
to repeatedly emit the 2 actions you wantstopAutoDispatch
is dispatched (until startAutoDispatch
is dispatched again)