I am attempting to upload an image.Image (image.NRGBA) to storage space with minio. Here is my code:
buff := new(bytes.Buffer)
err = png.Encode(buff, image)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("failed to create buffer", err)
reader := bytes.NewReader(buff.Bytes())
n, err := minioClient.FPutObject(bucketName, objectName, reader, minio.PutObjectOptions{ContentType:contentType})
if err != nil {
I get the error: cannot use reader (type *bytes.Reader) as type string in argument to minioClient.FPutObject
The minio
package's FPut*
functions take the name of a file, i.e., a string. Use the PutObject
function (or its context variant) to pass in anything that implements io.Reader
, such as your reader