I'm working on a project for a client that wants to integrate their web site (built in PHP) with their Microsoft hosted Dynamics CRM 2011.
I've found a great resource here for connecting to the Dynamics server and pulling very basic information out of the database (contact / accounts):
-> http://www.21logs.com/php-and-microsoft-dynamics-crm-source-code/
I spent a bunch of time today looking for information on the other types of SOAP/REST queries that I would need to use to either pull more information or add/update information in the database and I came up pretty snake-eyes.
If anyone knows of a resource that has some additional XML example queries for playing around with Dynamics CRM data it would be much appreciated.
While it isn't technically the repository of information that I was originally looking for, I did find the following blog post
Which lead me to this : http://www.zenithies.org/articles/articles/6/microsoft-dynamics-crm-4-0-php-integration-offer.html
Zenithies offers a PHP class for sale for a reasonable price (i.e. way less than I could have charged a client to research & write the same code) that lets you connect to Dynamics CRM using PHP and perform contact adds, edits and searches.
Nothing too complicated but everything I needed to hook a web site user login / self-manage address information up to a Microsoft Dynamics CRM.
I have purchased the package and tried it myself and verified that it does in fact work. I would suggest that anyone stuck in a situation where they need to connect a PHP web site and Microsoft Dynamics CRM consider just making the same purchase.