The following working C++ code will return all distinct (unique values) for a given field:
document command;
kvp("distinct", "listings"),
kvp("key", "streetName")
All distinct values are retrieved and here is an example of the output:
"values": [
"3rd street",
"ok": 1.0
At the mongodb shell, I am able to use a regular expression to reduce distinct values to those beginning with 'glen':
{ "streetName": {"$regex": /^glen/, "$options" : ""} }
Matching distinct values are retrieved and here is an example of the output:
[ "glen", "glendale", "glenfield" ]
The problem that I am having is that I cannot figure out how to limit distinct values* to those matching a regex pattern when using the mongo-cxx driver:
document command;
kvp("distinct", "listings"),
kvp("key", "streetName"),
kvp("streetName", bsoncxx::types::b_regex{ "^glen"})
This is what the command that is sent to mongoDB server looks like:
"distinct": "listings",
"key": "streetName",
"streetName": {
"$regex": "^glen",
"$options": ""
Unfortunately, the command immediately above returns the error: BAD (BSON field 'distinct.streetName' is an unknown field.: generic server error)
Hopefully someone can help me figure out how to obtain distinct values for a subset of data (matching documents).
If you don't mind to directly call distinct()
, would this attempt to translate the MongoDB shell example you provided work for you?
make_document(kvp("streetName", bsoncxx::types::b_regex{ "^glen" }))