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Converting Table columns and values to nested JSON

I have a CSV file with columns as below

enter image description here

Required result in Nested JSON objects as below:

"Type" : "A"
"Value" :"1"


"Type" : "B"
"Value" :"1"


I tried the below code : Any help would be deeply appreciated.

from pyspark.sql.functions import *

    df2=spark.sql("select * from test   limit  10" )
    for i in range(0,len(list1)):


  • This can be done by trick of UnPivoting...

    Suppose you have dataset like below.. Let's call it a Patient's test results.. Column A,B,C means.. Test Type A , Test Type B, ... and values in those Columns mean test results in numeric

    |PatientNumber|  A|  B|  C|  D|  E|  F|  G|
    |          101|  1|  2|  3|  4|  5|  6|  7|
    |          102| 11| 12| 13| 14| 15| 16| 17|

    I've added a PatientNumber column just for making data look more sensible. You can remove that from your code.

    I added this dataset to a csv..

    val testDF ="csv").option("header", "true").load("""C:\TestData\CSVtoJSon.csv""")

    Let's create 2 Arrays, one for id columns, and another for all test Types..

    val idCols = Array("PatientNumber")
    val valCols = testDF.columns.diff(idCols)

    Then here's the code to Unpivot

    val valcolNames = => List(''' + x + ''', x))
    val unPivotedDF =$"PatientNumber", expr(s"""stack(${valCols.size},${valcolNames.flatMap(x => x).mkString(",")} ) as (Type,Value)"""))

    Here's how this Unpivoted data looks like -

    |          101|   A|    1|
    |          101|   B|    2|
    |          101|   C|    3|
    |          101|   D|    4|
    |          101|   E|    5|
    |          101|   F|    6|
    |          101|   G|    7|
    |          102|   A|   11|
    |          102|   B|   12|
    |          102|   C|   13|
    |          102|   D|   14|
    |          102|   E|   15|
    |          102|   F|   16|
    |          102|   G|   17|

    Finally write this Unpivoted DF as Json -


    Content of Json File looks same as your desired result -
