Here's the code:
// eventually will be an implicit class with extension methods
class EitherTWrapper [L,R] (ei: EitherT[Future,L,R])
new EitherTWrapper(??? : EitherT[Future,Nothing,Boolean])
Fails to compile with:
type mismatch;
found :[scala.concurrent.Future,Nothing,Boolean]
Note: Nothing <: L, but class EitherT is invariant in type A.
You may wish to define A as +A instead. (SLS 4.5)
It works fine if I provide the types explicitly, like this:
new EitherTWrapper[Nothing,Boolean](??? : EitherT[Future,Nothing,Boolean])
Which would work, except that I can't do that if I'm trying to make it an implicit class.
I expected this to work. How do I define a class that can wrap an EitherT?
Apparently, it's a known scala compiler bug (limitation?):
It seems there's 2 workarounds:
with Nothing
specially, by creating a separate wrapper for it. This works even when trying to use the wrappers as implicit classes.