Recently I decided to establish a new repository on a fresh account with I know there is support for svn, but it doesn't seem to be working as expected.
For example, if I do this:
svnadmin create /home/private/svn/myproject
cd /home/private/svn
mkdir mytree && mkdir mytree/tags && mkdir/trunk && mkdir/branches
And finally, attempt to import this:
svn import /home/private/svn/mytree file:///home/private/svn/myproject -m "Initial import"
It claims to be adding the files, but they actually don't exist anywhere. /svn/myproject remains empty, no .svn folders are produced at either the source or the destination, etc. No working copy is created.
All I really want is to establish a repository to work on a symfony based application.
Am I missing something? I'm going nuts! Thanks for any help.
You're missing the part where you checkout the files. You've imported that directory structure just fine into your svn repository, but you haven't actually performed a checkout. So now you just need to remove the 'mytree' directory (and subfolders - it might be better to not remove them immediately, and instead perform the checkout to a differently named directory just to be safe), then you should be able to do:
svn checkout file:///home/private/svn/myproject mytree
This will result in a check out of your repository and it's all set and ready to go!