I tried to modify some scripts I found - but they're not working.
When there is a link on a loaded page that points to:
I want it to actually point to:
So basically just replace one letter in the link (from */ia-o/*
to */ib-o/*
This is the script that I have tried:
// ==UserScript==
// @name website.new
// @namespace lii
// @description redirect to anothersite
// @include https://website.new/*
// @version 1
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
var links,thisLink;
links = document.evaluate("//a[@href]",
for (var i=0;i<links.snapshotLength;i++) {
var thisLink = links.snapshotItem(i);
thisLink.href = thisLink.href.replace('https://website.new/ia-o/',
But it doesn't do anything.
If anyone can help - I'd greatly appreciate it!
Part2: Even better solution would be if I could remake the whole link like this.
Old link on a web page : https://website.new/ia-o/number1/number2/number3/number4.jpeg.html
New link on a page: https://website.new/o/number1/number2/number3/number4.jpeg
(so remove the ia- and also .html from the link)
But either solution would work!
Thank you!
replace href attribute in all links found in current page
// ==UserScript==
// @name website.new
// @namespace lii
// @description redirect to anothersite
// @include https://website.new/*
// @version 1
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
for (var i=0,link; (link=document.links[i]); i++) {
link.href = link.href.replace('oldvalue', 'newvalue');
you can replace single letters
link.href.replace('a', 'o');
or whole words
link.href.replace('grease', 'tamper');
in your specific case, just remove the strings you don't want by replacing them with an empty string
link.href = link.href.replace(/ia-|\.html/g, '');