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how to do auth forwarding to backend entry in Traefik 1.7

Traefik 1.7 Docker Spring Boot

I need to use the auth forwarding capabilities of Traefik.

My auth endpoint is exposed by a spring boot component behind the Traefik and exposed as "backend-authentication" with URI "" in Traefik Dashboard.

In my configuration, traefik routes everything from "" to backends API using "PathPrefix" rules. Therefore my authentication component is available as ""

When I do auth forwarding like this:

        address = ":443"
            address = ""
            trustForwardHeader = true
            authResponseHeaders = ["Authorization"]

Traefik goes through endless forwarding loop.

When I use the following configuration it is working as wanted:

        address = ":443"
            address = ""
            trustForwardHeader = true
            authResponseHeaders = ["Authorization"]

I would like to use a service name related to the backend-authentication as seen in Traefik dashboard but when I try that configuration:

        address = ":443"
            address = "http://backend-authentication/commerce/authentication/v1/ldap/auth"
            trustForwardHeader = true
            authResponseHeaders = ["Authorization"]

I ran into error 500.

I do need the capability to use logic name and not IP as there are subject to change.

I cannot run the component on another port or another network... Any idea would be apreciated.


  • Maybe you could upgrade to v2, it's a bit more clear there:

    In Traefik v2 according to the docs you have to use forwardAuth as a middleware. You have to create a router like this:

    ## Dynamic configuration
      []  <-- name it auth-router or whatever
        rule = "Path(`/foo`)"
        # declared in next code block
        middlewares = ["test-auth"]
        service = "youre-service-docker-or-file" <-- probably your "backend-authentication"

    Where your middleware is:

    # Forward authentication to
        address = "" <---  Your auth server here

    Optionally, looking at the v1.7 docs, can you set

    authResponseHeaders = ["X-Auth-User", "X-Secret"]

    below the entrypoints, and maybe try add some trusted ips:

        address = ":80"
        # Enable Forwarded Headers
          # List of trusted IPs
          # Required
          # Default: []
          trustedIPs = ["", ""]