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How can I debug GraphQL subscriptions of a Django backend?

I'd like to add GraphQL subscriptions to a backend GraphQL API. Can I debug subscriptions with the graphene_django builtin GraphiQL?

# <django-project>/

from graphene_django.views import GraphQLView

urlpatterns = [
    url(r'^graphql$', GraphQLView.as_view(graphiql=True)),


  • According to graphene-subscriptions/issues/1 it seems like it's possible to create a custom GraphQLCustomCoreBackend

    class GraphQLCustomCoreBackend(GraphQLCoreBackend):
        def __init__(self, executor=None):
            # type: (Optional[Any]) -> None
            self.execute_params['allow_subscriptions'] = True

    and include it with

    # <django-project>/
    url_paths = [
        path('graphql/', csrf_exempt(CustomGraphQLView.as_view(graphiql=True, backend=GraphQLCustomCoreBackend())), name='graphql'),

    to override the default one. However not tested yet.