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403 Permission Denied when trying to read Secrets from Vault using GCP IAM auth

I am using GCP IAM auth method to authenticate against vault. I followed the steps as suggested in vault gcp authto authenticate using a Service Account

I was able to successfully authenticate and login. But when I try to read the secrets from the specified path, it says permission denied.

$vi test-policy.hcl

path "secret/test/*" {
     capabilities = ["read"]

I have the below roles assigned to my Service Account.

  1. Service Account Admin
  2. Service Account Key Admin
  3. Service Account Token Creator
vault kv get secret/test/awskeys
Error reading secret/data/test/awskeys: Error making API request.

Code: 403. Errors:

* 1 error occurred:
* permission denied

I have the same issue using the spring-cloud-vault application as well. Is there any role that I missed to assign to this Service Account or am I setting the policy wrong?

Note: Vault Server is setup on AWS.


  • It was the policy setting. I updated it to below and it worked! Specific path instead of *.

    path "secret/data/test/awskeys" {
      capabilities = ["read"]