I've run into a problem I couldn't find a solution to.
I've successfully created a function. Here's the function name and arguments:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION app_private.create_user(username citext, email text, email_is_verified boolean, name text, avatar_url text, title text DEFAULT NULL::text, color character varying DEFAULT NULL::character varying, user_role smallint DEFAULT 0, password text DEFAULT NULL::text)
RETURNS app_public.users
I've also successfully granted privilege to execute the function to a role. AND also created a comment:
grant execute on function app_private.create_user(username citext, email text, email_is_verified bool, name text, avatar_url text, title text, color varchar(7), user_role smallint, password text) to nine_manager;
comment on function app_private.create_user(username citext, email text, email_is_verified bool, name text, avatar_url text, title text, color varchar(7), user_role smallint, password text) is
E'Creates a user account.';
however, when I try to create a test user by querying:
SELECT "app_private.create_user"('JS0'::citext, 'test@gmail.com'::text, true::boolean, 'John Smith'::text, 'SY'::text, 'Manager'::text, '#000000'::varchar(7), 5::SMALLINT, 'test'::text);
I get an error:
ERROR: function app_private.create_user(citext, text, boolean, text, text, text, character varying, smallint, text) does not exist
LINE 1: SELECT "app_private.create_user"('SY0'::citext, 'test@gmail....
I've tried changing the queries and casts but failed. Nearly pulling my hair out.
Thank you ahead of time.
Remove double qoutes before calling your function in select as below
Select app_private.create_user(....)
From table;