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SAP HANA Connection with Ionic App(Error in browser /node_modules/java/lib/nodeJavaBridge.js)

I am trying to create SAP HANA DB connection for my ionic application. The methods,I have tried :

Unfortunetely, they all had similar errors in common.

Just by installing them caused "cant resolve fs,crpyto,http ..etc" error on compiler. I tried to solve this issue by adding "node: fs:'true'" to my commonjs or configuring my package.json afterwards it was compiled successfully but browser was giving me and error "ERROR Error: Uncaught (in promise): ReferenceError: __dirname is not defined ReferenceError: __dirname is not defined at Object../node_modules/java/lib/nodeJavaBridge.js".

I searched for a long time but couldnt get my browser to work.Did anyone try hana connection in ionic ? Any help/idea would be very much appreciated .


  • Apparently, it can not be done on front-end so it should be executed with nodejs . The link below helped me to configure nodejs accordingly.And the one below could help with sap hana connection. Good luck!!