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Webrtc connection over turn strange behavior with relay candidates

I have two clients communicating over webrtc. (Client A writen in js, Client B in Python with aiortc). Now it happens that Client A wants to connect from a mobile Network thus it requires a turn-relay connection.

I have already setup a turn server which seems to do his job. But only approx 50% of the connections succeed now. I already found out when they succeed and when they fail:

SDP relay information in case of success:
Offer Client A

a=candidate:3 2 UDP 92217086 59986 typ relay raddr rport 59986

Response Client B

a=candidate:11 1 UDP 92086015 49910 typ relay raddr rport 49910

SDP relay information in case of failure:
Offer Client A

a=candidate:7 1 UDP 92151551 49871 typ relay raddr rport 49871

Response Client B

a=candidate:5820bb1602563a80c76891a80be14933 1 udp 16777215 53279 typ relay raddr rport 49244

The important difference is the IP address shown in the Response from Client B, in the successfull scenario it is the IP adress of the net in which Client B is, in the failing scenario it is the IP address of the turnserver (

Actually I do not understand why it sometimes gives the IP of the turnserver and the other times not, and what it means that the IP address of the turnserver is not possible to use...

Anyone any ideas, on where to start looking for the issue?


  • It seems like our turn server was missconfigured.
    I can not tell what was misconfigured, because sadly I have no access to the configuration of the turn server.
    But I tested by deploying some turn servers on my local machine and they behaved similar when they where not correctly configured. By looking into the logs of thos turn servers I saw 401 Unauthorized popping up all the time. So I changed the configuration, until the authorization was working. With this config we deployed a new server which is now working.

    Some words on the configuration for people also having troubles with that on the first run, those are the configurations we put into /etc/turnserver.conf and passed it when starting the server with turnserver -v -c /etc/turnserver.conf:


    bofore coming to that configuration we made some errors, maybe they are obious to experienced people but they were not to us:

    1. we had the use-auth-secret in the config file, this should not be enabled when using user
    2. we had the issue that the turn server was usable in firefox but not in chrome or others, (not possible to gather relay candidates), this was do to realm not beeing configured in the config