In mathematical set we have
A={1,2,3} B={4,5,6}
A U B = B U A = {1,2,3,4,5,6} ={6,5,2,3,4,1} //order does not matter
But in theory of computation we get
a u b is either a or b but not both
also in a* u b* we get aaa or bbb but not aaabbb or bbbaaa as order does not matter in union.
why is that?
Thanks Rahman
No. In formal language theory, there is a correspondence between regular expressions and regular sets over an alphabet Σ
. The function L
maps a regular expression u
to the corresponding regular set L(u)
; conversely, every every regular set A
corresponds to a regular expression in L-1(A)
L(∅) = ∅
L(λ) = {λ}
L(a) = {a} (for all a ∈ Σ)
L(uv) = L(u)L(v) = {xy ∈ Σ* : x ∈ L(u) ∧ x ∈ L(v)}
L(u|v) = L(u) ∪ L(v) = {x ∈ Σ* : x ∈ L(u) ∨ x ∈ L(v)}
L(u*) = ∪[i ∈ ℕ] L(u)i = ∪[i ∈ ℕ] {xi ∈ Σ* : x ∈ L(u)}
The union of regular expressions corresponds to the union of regular sets, which is the familiar union operation from set theory. A regular expression u
matches a string x
iff x
is a member of the corresponding set L(u)
. Therefore, u|v
matches x
iff x
is a member of L(u) ∪ L(v)