I've spent an hour or two collectively now trying to figure this problem out but I'm not getting any results. In my program when a defending animal is "killed" it should be deleted from it's registry, but no matter what I do I can't seem to get that to happen. In this instance if I were to initiate a hunter and a buffalo then attack() the buffalo with the hunter the buffalo should be killed and removed from it's classes registry but I can't get python to select that specific buffalo from the registry.
Any help is appreciated.
class IterRegistry(type):
def __iter__(cls):
return iter(cls._registry)
class Buffalo(object):
__metaclass__ = IterRegistry
_registry = []
hp = 1
price = 150
attacks = 0
regeneration = 2
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
def createBuffalo():
for i in range(len(Buffalo._registry),len(Buffalo._registry)+1):
varname = ("b" + str(i))
globals()[varname] = Buffalo("b" + str(i))
class Wolf:
__metaclass__ = IterRegistry
_registry = []
hp = 1
price = 0
attacks = 2
regeneration = 1.5
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
def createWolf():
for i in range(len(Wolf._registry),len(Wolf._registry)+1):
varname = ("w" + str(i))
globals()[varname] = Wolf("w" + str(i))
class Hunter:
__metaclass__ = IterRegistry
_registry = []
hp = 2
price = 0
attacks = 1
regeneration = 0
balance = 0
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
def createHunter():
for i in range(len(Hunter._registry),len(Hunter._registry)+1):
varname = ("h" + str(i))
globals()[varname] = Hunter("h" + str(i))
def attack(attacker, target):
if attacker.attacks >= 1:
target.hp -= 1
if target.hp == 0:
if type(attacker) == Hunter:
attacker.balance += 150
if type(target) == Wolf:
del Wolf._registry[[n for n in Wolf._registry if n == target]]
if type(target) == Hunter:
del Hunter._registry[[n for n in Hunter._registry if n == target]]
if type(target) == Buffalo:
del Buffalo._registry[[n for n in Hunter._registry if n == target]]
One more note, the reason I have double brackets is because it was incorrect syntax with single brackets but the syntax was fine with doubles.
If you need any more code, ask in a comment below (I have not included all of it but it should be enough).
The issue you're trying to solve is caused by trying to use a list as an index to be removed from your list
[n for n in Wolf._registry if n == target]
All you're trying to get out of this list comprehension is the target, so just use that.