I defined a Monoid instance for Map[Int, Array[Int]]
and tried to use it to merge a list of such maps:
import cats.Monoid
import cats.implicits._
implicit val m: Monoid[Map[Int, Array[Int]]] = Monoid[Map[Int, Array[Int]]]
(0 -> Array(8, 9))
(0 -> Array(10))
(1 -> Array(30))
I would expect the output to be this:
(0 -> Array(8, 9, 10),
(1 -> Array(30),
However, the code throws the following excpetion:
[error] java.lang.NullPointerException
[error] at cats.instances.ListInstances$$anon$1.foldMap(list.scala:74)
[error] at cats.instances.ListInstances$$anon$1.foldMap(list.scala:16)
[error] at cats.Foldable$Ops.foldMap(Foldable.scala:31)
[error] at cats.Foldable$Ops.foldMap$(Foldable.scala:31)
[error] at cats.Foldable$ToFoldableOps$$anon$5.foldMap(Foldable.scala:31)
I tried using .reduce(_ |+| _)
or m.combineAll
instead of .foldMap(identity)
, with the same result.
What am I doing wrong?
To make your code work, you'd only need to provide proper Monoid for an array:
//we also need ClassTag because we don't know type yet and arrays aren't generic
implicit def arrayMonoid[T: ClassTag]: Monoid[Array[T]] = new Monoid[Array[T]] {
override def empty: Array[T] = Array[T]()
override def combine(x: Array[T], y: Array[T]): Array[T] = x ++ y
Cats library doesn't provide Monoid for arrays by default.