I have following code:
import multiprocessing, datetime
def Unit_Task_Function(Argument):
print(f"Unit of work {Argument} starting {datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d : %H-%M-%S')}")
print(f"Unit of work {Argument} ending {datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d : %H-%M-%S')}")
if __name__ == "__main__": # Allows for the safe importing of the main module
__spec__ = "ModuleSpec(name='builtins', loader=<class '_frozen_importlib.BuiltinImporter'>)"
print(f"There are {multiprocessing.cpu_count()} CPUs on this machine")
max_para_processes_at_any_time = 5
pool = multiprocessing.Pool(max_para_processes_at_any_time)
iterable_arguments = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'M', 'N']
results = pool.map_async(Unit_Task_Function, iterable_arguments)
And output is:
In [18]: run code.py
There are 8 CPUs on this machine
Unit of work A starting 2020-01-27 : 12-26-02
Unit of work B starting 2020-01-27 : 12-26-02
Unit of work C starting 2020-01-27 : 12-26-02
Unit of work D starting 2020-01-27 : 12-26-02
Unit of work E starting 2020-01-27 : 12-26-02
Unit of work F starting 2020-01-27 : 12-26-02
Unit of work G starting 2020-01-27 : 12-26-02
Unit of work H starting 2020-01-27 : 12-26-02
Unit of work M starting 2020-01-27 : 12-26-02
Unit of work N starting 2020-01-27 : 12-26-02
Why the 2nd print statement never accomplished? Is this related to so called "daemon" process? How to rewrite the code to make it work?
You are missing some imports. This causes import errors in the workers, which you cannot see. Import these:
import random
from time import sleep
and you this output:
There are 8 CPUs on this machine
Unit of work A starting 2020-01-27 : 18-48-21
Unit of work B starting 2020-01-27 : 18-48-21
Unit of work C starting 2020-01-27 : 18-48-21
Unit of work D starting 2020-01-27 : 18-48-21
Unit of work E starting 2020-01-27 : 18-48-21
Unit of work E ending 2020-01-27 : 18-48-21
Unit of work F starting 2020-01-27 : 18-48-21
Unit of work A ending 2020-01-27 : 18-48-22
Unit of work G starting 2020-01-27 : 18-48-22
Unit of work C ending 2020-01-27 : 18-48-22
Unit of work H starting 2020-01-27 : 18-48-22
Unit of work D ending 2020-01-27 : 18-48-22
Unit of work M starting 2020-01-27 : 18-48-22
Unit of work G ending 2020-01-27 : 18-48-22
Unit of work N starting 2020-01-27 : 18-48-22
Unit of work B ending 2020-01-27 : 18-48-22
Unit of work M ending 2020-01-27 : 18-48-23
Unit of work F ending 2020-01-27 : 18-48-23
Unit of work N ending 2020-01-27 : 18-48-24
Unit of work H ending 2020-01-27 : 18-48-24
Hint: Use pool.map()
first to see the error messages before switching to pool.map_async()
Alternatively, supply an error callback function that re-raises the exception:
def on_error(err):
raise err
results = pool.map_async(Unit_Task_Function,