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python multiprocessing: sleep statement killed?

I have following code:

import multiprocessing, datetime

def Unit_Task_Function(Argument):

    print(f"Unit of work {Argument} starting {'%Y-%m-%d : %H-%M-%S')}")
    print(f"Unit of work {Argument} ending {'%Y-%m-%d : %H-%M-%S')}")    

if __name__ == "__main__":  # Allows for the safe importing of the main module
    __spec__ = "ModuleSpec(name='builtins', loader=<class '_frozen_importlib.BuiltinImporter'>)"

    print(f"There are {multiprocessing.cpu_count()} CPUs on this machine")

    max_para_processes_at_any_time = 5
    pool = multiprocessing.Pool(max_para_processes_at_any_time)

    iterable_arguments = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'M', 'N']

    results = pool.map_async(Unit_Task_Function, iterable_arguments)


And output is:

In [18]: run
There are 8 CPUs on this machine
Unit of work A starting 2020-01-27 : 12-26-02
Unit of work B starting 2020-01-27 : 12-26-02
Unit of work C starting 2020-01-27 : 12-26-02
Unit of work D starting 2020-01-27 : 12-26-02
Unit of work E starting 2020-01-27 : 12-26-02
Unit of work F starting 2020-01-27 : 12-26-02
Unit of work G starting 2020-01-27 : 12-26-02
Unit of work H starting 2020-01-27 : 12-26-02
Unit of work M starting 2020-01-27 : 12-26-02
Unit of work N starting 2020-01-27 : 12-26-02

Why the 2nd print statement never accomplished? Is this related to so called "daemon" process? How to rewrite the code to make it work?


  • You are missing some imports. This causes import errors in the workers, which you cannot see. Import these:

    import random
    from time import sleep

    and you this output:

    There are 8 CPUs on this machine
    Unit of work A starting 2020-01-27 : 18-48-21
    Unit of work B starting 2020-01-27 : 18-48-21
    Unit of work C starting 2020-01-27 : 18-48-21
    Unit of work D starting 2020-01-27 : 18-48-21
    Unit of work E starting 2020-01-27 : 18-48-21
    Unit of work E ending 2020-01-27 : 18-48-21
    Unit of work F starting 2020-01-27 : 18-48-21
    Unit of work A ending 2020-01-27 : 18-48-22
    Unit of work G starting 2020-01-27 : 18-48-22
    Unit of work C ending 2020-01-27 : 18-48-22
    Unit of work H starting 2020-01-27 : 18-48-22
    Unit of work D ending 2020-01-27 : 18-48-22
    Unit of work M starting 2020-01-27 : 18-48-22
    Unit of work G ending 2020-01-27 : 18-48-22
    Unit of work N starting 2020-01-27 : 18-48-22
    Unit of work B ending 2020-01-27 : 18-48-22
    Unit of work M ending 2020-01-27 : 18-48-23
    Unit of work F ending 2020-01-27 : 18-48-23
    Unit of work N ending 2020-01-27 : 18-48-24
    Unit of work H ending 2020-01-27 : 18-48-24

    Hint: Use first to see the error messages before switching to pool.map_async().

    Alternatively, supply an error callback function that re-raises the exception:

    def on_error(err):
            raise err
    results = pool.map_async(Unit_Task_Function, 