I am quite beginner to Python and I have a problem for sharing variable between parent script and forked child.
The objectif is as follows
The main script has to get tasks from an API call and run them in a subprocess. Then it decrement a counter of availables CPU to avoid ressource saturation and gets a new tasks if there are availables. I would like also to increment back the counter when the subprocess is finished but I can't get it works.
Here is my script main fonction
def main():
while True:
global availables_cpu
print("Got %s availables CPU requesting new job" % availables_cpu)
response = requests.get("http://" + url_api + "/api.php?action=get&ressources=" + str(availables_cpu))
data = json.loads(response.text)
job_path = data["hash"]
if job_path is None :
print("Nothing to do, waiting for a while")
dir = job_path.rstrip()
if int(data["cpu"]) <= availables_cpu:
availables_cpu -= int(data["cpu"])
newpid = os.fork()
if newpid == 0:
code = child()
availables_cpu += int(data["cpu"])
The child() function just gets the data and run the script in a subprocess
I'm not sure about the best way to do this and I'm opened in any suggestions.
As suggested by @polku multiprocessing.Value works well
With these modifications
availables_cpu = multiprocessing.Value('I',psutil.cpu_count())
and replace all the occurences of availables_cpu
by availables_cpu.value