Previously the code worked correctly. Why an internal error has occurred?
Is this a problem with the JavaScript API for Office?
The link and title are correct. I checked it out.
var options = {
asyncContext: null
Office.context.mailbox.item.addFileAttachmentAsync(link, title, options, function (asyncResult) {
console.log("asyncResult: " + JSON.stringify(asyncResult));
if (asyncResult.status === "succeeded") {
$docName.prepend("<i class='ms-Icon ms-Icon--checkbox ms-font-m ms-fontColor-green'>");
} else {
console.log("Office.context.mailbox.item.addFileAttachmentAsync() [" + asyncResult.status + "] error: "//
+ JSON.stringify(asyncResult.error) + " value: " + JSON.stringify(asyncResult.value));
$docName.prepend("<i class='ms-Icon ms-Icon--alert ms-font-m ms-fontColor-error'></i>");
$docName.after("<div class='ms-ListItem-tertiaryText addedError'>" + asyncResult.error.message + "</div>");
I got an asyncResult:
asyncResult: {"value":null,"status":"failed","error":{"name":"Internal Error","message":"An internal error has occurred."}}
The problem was with a self-signed certificate.