I am adding an on demand dynamic feature module on my app, but I am having a problem.
When I install that feature module
val request = SplitInstallRequest.newBuilder()
The following log is printed
12:54:42.301/? I/PlayCore: UID: [11113] PID: [30056] SplitInstallService : startInstall([ondemandfeature],[])
12:54:42.807/? I/Finsky: [2] mvr.a(112): Installer: Request install. package=com.package.my, version=16081, mods=[ondemandfeature], priority=2, reason=SplitInstallService
12:54:43.239/? I/Finsky: [2] myc.a(325): IT: Required downloads: [..split.ondemandfeature.config.xxhdpi, ..split.ondemandfeature, ..split.ondemandfeature.config.pt]
12:54:43.263/? I/Finsky: [2] mpw.a(3): Downloading full file for com.package.my (..split.ondemandfeature.config.xxhdpi)
12:54:43.282/? I/Finsky: [2] mxo.a(2): IT: Send Resource Request for com.package.my downloadid: ..split.ondemandfeature.config.xxhdpi).
12:54:43.287/? I/Finsky: [2] mxc.a(8): IT: Sent download request for com.package.my, adid: ..split.ondemandfeature.config.xxhdpi, isid: 21FGah5gQD6I6P4uDfGY32
12:54:43.379/? D/DownloadManager: [6235] Starting {ondemandfeature feature for MyAppName} by {10058:com.android.vending}
12:54:44.296/? I/Finsky: [2] myc.a(174): IT: Prepare to copy com.package.my (adid: ..split.ondemandfeature.config.xxhdpi , isid: 21FGah5gQD6I6P4uDfGY32) from content://downloads/my_downloads/6235 (expect 17096 bytes, isCompressed: false)
12:54:44.322/? I/Finsky: [87461] dxz.doInBackground(18): com.package.my (..split.ondemandfeature.config.xxhdpi) (17096 bytes) copied successfully in 0 ms
12:54:44.329/? I/Finsky: [2] mxh.a(5): IT: Successfully copied APK to update com.package.my (adid: ..split.ondemandfeature.config.xxhdpi , isid: 21FGah5gQD6I6P4uDfGY32)
12:54:44.342/? I/Finsky: [2] mpw.a(3): Downloading full file for com.package.my (..split.ondemandfeature)
12:54:44.346/? I/Finsky: [2] mxo.a(2): IT: Send Resource Request for com.package.my downloadid: ..split.ondemandfeature).
12:54:44.350/? I/Finsky: [2] mxc.a(8): IT: Sent download request for com.package.my, adid: ..split.ondemandfeature, isid: 21FGah5gQD6I6P4uDfGY32
12:54:44.382/? D/DownloadManager: [6236] Starting {ondemandfeature feature for MyAppName} by {10058:com.android.vending}
12:54:44.920/? I/Finsky: [2] myc.a(174): IT: Prepare to copy com.package.my (adid: ..split.ondemandfeature , isid: 21FGah5gQD6I6P4uDfGY32) from content://downloads/my_downloads/6236 (expect 168472 bytes, isCompressed: false)
12:54:44.934/? I/Finsky: [87462] dxz.doInBackground(18): com.package.my (..split.ondemandfeature) (168472 bytes) copied successfully in 2 ms
12:54:44.938/? I/Finsky: [2] mxh.a(5): IT: Successfully copied APK to update com.package.my (adid: ..split.ondemandfeature , isid: 21FGah5gQD6I6P4uDfGY32)
12:54:44.949/? I/Finsky: [2] mpw.a(3): Downloading full file for com.package.my (..split.ondemandfeature.config.pt)
12:54:44.953/? I/Finsky: [2] mxo.a(2): IT: Send Resource Request for com.package.my downloadid: ..split.ondemandfeature.config.pt).
12:54:44.957/? I/Finsky: [2] mxc.a(8): IT: Sent download request for com.package.my, adid: ..split.ondemandfeature.config.pt, isid: 21FGah5gQD6I6P4uDfGY32
12:54:44.996/? D/DownloadManager: [6237] Starting {ondemandfeature feature for MyAppName} by {10058:com.android.vending}
12:54:45.425/? I/Finsky: [2] myc.a(174): IT: Prepare to copy com.package.my (adid: ..split.ondemandfeature.config.pt , isid: 21FGah5gQD6I6P4uDfGY32) from content://downloads/my_downloads/6237 (expect 12626 bytes, isCompressed: false)
12:54:45.439/? I/Finsky: [87461] dxz.doInBackground(18): com.package.my (..split.ondemandfeature.config.pt) (12626 bytes) copied successfully in 3 ms
12:54:45.450/? I/Finsky: [2] mxh.a(5): IT: Successfully copied APK to update com.package.my (adid: ..split.ondemandfeature.config.pt , isid: 21FGah5gQD6I6P4uDfGY32)
Which makes me believe that the dynamic feature module gets successfullt installed. But when I try to check the installed modules:
It returns an empty list.
Is there something I am missing?
Addional info:
Here is the log of a SplitInstallStateUpdatedListener
// begin
PENDING (printed 4x)
DOWNLOADING (printed 14x)
INSTALLING (printed 1x)
DOWNLOADED (printed 1x)
// end
I also perceived that right after the INSTALLING
log, the following one is printed:
I/Finsky: [2] dyv.<init>(17): com.package.my is installed but certificate mismatch
What does it mean?
Additional info 2:
On a Pixel 3XL (Android 10) device, the on demand dynamic feature module is successfully downloaded and installed.
But, on a Motorola G5 (Android 8.1) device, the on demand dynamic feature module is only downloaded, but never installed.
Additional info 3:
For some reason, the download and installation is working only on Android 10 devices, but I don't know why.
To test that feature, I am using the internal app sharing tool, where I can upload the app bundle.
I've found out that I was passing through those problems due to a misconfiguration in my project.
Please, assure that the following stuff is correctly setup in your project:
as your Application
on Activities
that use a dynamic feature;override fun attachBaseContext(newBase: Context?) {
For more info, please do a thoughtful reading of the following codelab: https://codelabs.developers.google.com/codelabs/on-demand-dynamic-delivery/