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In Android Custom Keyboard, how to change Alphabets Keyboard to Symbols Keyboard?

While Navigate User from Alphabets Keyboard to Symbols Keyboard, Layout Alignment gets spoiled. By Default, Layout takes 5dp padding & User can't see the Last Column Keys.

Note: Images shown in below.

I handled Key Actions to Navigate User from Alphabets Keyboard to Symbol Keyboard in the onKey Method

override fun onKey(primaryCode: Int, keyCodes: IntArray?) {
when (primaryCode) {
            keyboardView?.keyboard = Keyboard(this, R.xml.keyboard)

        KEYCODE_SYMBOLS_1 -> {
            keyboardView?.keyboard = Keyboard(this, R.xml.keyboard_symbols_1)

        KEYCODE_SYMBOLS_2 -> {
            keyboardView?.keyboard = Keyboard(this, R.xml.keyboard_symbols_2)


Pls Suggest is there any other way to change keyboard (or) what I've done wrong

What I faced is shown below. Alphabets Keyboard: enter image description here

While Change Keyboard in KeyboardView using setMethod in Kotlin, It changes with some mild UI Error

Symbols Keyboard: enter image description here


  • Symbols Keyboard has no issue. Bcz We tried to have it as a Primary Keyboard to inflate at very first time. It has no issue at that time.
  • Issue is in Keyboard Change portion (onKey Method). Alphabets Keyboard also not fully compatible while changing Keyboard


  • Keyboard Layout draws every key based on the percentage not in dp. So declare your key width as %p not in dp

    In Layout file


    In Resource file

    <fraction name="ten_keys_key_width">8.8%p</fraction>