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How to keep my users anonymous with webrtc?

I need to implement video call in my application, then I discovered webrtc, and simple-peer for nodejs. I just have one problem, because it's peer to peer, I suppose the users aren't anonymous, they can get their ip each others.

I know facebook, amazon chime use webrtc, how do they hide those ip ? Do they pass the stream through a server? Use turn server ? Would openvidu hide ip ? Or just can I simply for each video room create peer in nodejs process, and connect to every user and distribute the video ?


  • In peer-to-peer mode, you can ensure the IP addresses of the peers aren't revealed by setting up and forcing the use of TURN server (using the iceTransportPolicy option of relay in the RTCPeerConnection() constructor).

    Alternatively, using an intermediary media server (e.g. an SFU or a MCU) would also achieve the same effect.