I am using R.execute in Power BI to find the username of the current user to a computer. (our organisation works with sharepoint). this way I want to make a universally true filepath for any user. This M code is in a table that is standing on it's own. I want to form this table into a text format instead of a table so I can use it as a text variable for the filepath.
M code to find username:
RScript = R.Execute("output <- read.table(text=system2(""whoami"", stdout=TRUE))"),
output = RScript{[Name="output"]}[Value]
Now, this creates a table with only 1 value. Any way I can transform this into a simple text value? Or perhaps select this single value to perform as a variable for my filepath??
Thanks for the help!
Just specify row number and column name:
output = RScript{[Name="output"]}[Value]{0}[Column1]
Or, assuming, column name may be changed:
output = Record.FieldValues(RScript{[Name="output"]}[Value]{0}){0}