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Vim autocomplete not working using the key combo

i am trying to use the auto-complete feature in Vim. When i tyr to use it using the key combo crtl + n i end up with character ^N on the screen. Apart from that i am also missing various features like search highlight it does'nt show.I am not sure of what is the reason for this pleas find the image,which i am trying to do autocomplete in a file

click here for the snapshot


  • Please share your ~/.vimrc or ~/.config/nvim/init.vim so then we can see if you have any problem with them.

    I started my neovim with nvim -u NONE -U NONE -N -i NONE and the key combo Ctrln worked nicelly.

    You can also run a command to check your key combination:

    :verbose map <c-n>

    This will show if you have any plugin or function set to this shortcut.