Does anyone know if it's possible to return anything other than a scalar value using a DBFunction declaration in EF Core?
I'm migrating a site to EFCore v3.1.1 from EF6 with SQL Server (from .Net Framework 4.7.2 to .Net Core 3.0). The SQL function has a two column Table type return value. e.g. (this is a simplified version of the actual case):
create function [dbo].[fn_getValues] (
@tenantId int,
@dataItemId int
RETURNS @dataVals table (
Value1 nvarchar(max),
Value2 nvarchar(max)
complex function
with In the EF6 model there is a DBFunction declaration that returns an IQueryable where the ReturnModel is a POCO (i.e., not a mapped table entity):
public class ReturnModel {
public string Value1 {get; set;}
public string Value2 {get; set;}
with the EF6 DBFunction declared as
public virtual IQueryable<ReturnModel> fn_getValues(Nullable<int> tenantId, Nullable<int> dataItemId) {
var tenantIdParameter = tenantId.HasValue ?
new ObjectParameter("tenantId", tenantId) :
new ObjectParameter("tenantId", typeof(int));
var dataItemIdParameter = dataItemId.HasValue ?
new ObjectParameter("dataItemId", dataItemId) :
new ObjectParameter("dataItemId", typeof(int));
return ((IObjectContextAdapter)this).ObjectContext
.CreateQuery<ReturnModel>("[dbo].[fn_getValues](@tenantId, @dataItemId)", tenantId, dataItemId);
But I can't get this working in EF Core 3. I have tried declaring the return type as a keyless entity and re-mapped the DBFunction to:
public virtual IQueryable<ReturnModel> fn_getValues(Nullable<int> tenantId, Nullable<int> dataItemId) {
throw new NotSupportedException();
Here's an example of how could be used in anger:
int tenantId = <something>;
int filterItemId = <something>;
using (var db = new DBContext) {
var query = from a in db.ParentItems
where a.filterItem = filterItemId
select new {
ModelValues = db.fn_getValues(tenantId, a.Id)
return await query.ToListAsync();
Which always results in an error thrown...
The DbFunction 'fn_getValues' has an invalid return type 'IQueryable<ReturnModel>'. Ensure that the return type can be mapped by the current provider.
Is it possible to return a complex type from EF Core3, or will I need to do something horrible like joining the data fields into one string value with a separator character and split them in the response?
There's not the same support for TVFs in EF Core, but there's a compensating feature. You can compose additional LINQ query expressions with a raw SQL Query:
var searchTerm = ".NET";
var blogs = context.Blogs
.FromSqlInterpolated($"SELECT * FROM dbo.SearchBlogs({searchTerm})")
.Where(b => b.Rating > 3)
.OrderByDescending(b => b.Rating)
Raw SQL Queries - Composing with LINQ
.FromSqlInterpolated returns an IQueryable<T>
which you can return from fn_getValues
(omitting the DbFunctionAttribute).