How can I get the preprocessor to do arithmetic in concatenation?
I tried with:
#define DECL_FUNCT3(ch1, ch2) \
void funct_ ## ch1 ## _and_ ## ch2 ## _(void);
#define DECL_FUNCT2(ch1, ch2) DECL_FUNCT3(ch1, ch2)
#define DECL_FUNCT1(ch1, ch2) DECL_FUNCT2(ch1, ch2)
#define DECL_FUNCT(ch) DECL_FUNCT1(ch, ch+16)
I'd like to get:
void funct_0_and_16_(void);
void funct_1_and_17_(void);
but instead I get:
gcc -E test.c
void funct_0_and_0+16_(void);
void funct_1_and_1+16_(void);
Is it possible?
No. It's not possible.
The C preprocessor does only perform textual replacements. The only place where the preprocessor is calculating is like in #if 10 + 20 == 30
, but that line does not perform any replacements.