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Provisioning profile "Development XXX" doesn't include signing certificate "Apple Development: Noorul(TXNRY2JRLN)"

I am creating the build with Generic iOS Device. When i try to build the .IPA file, it's showing the error (Provisioning profile "Development XXX" doesn't include signing certificate "Apple Development: Noorul(TXNRY2JRLN)")under the Signing & Capabilities Tab.

When i go to Build Settings tab.then i can see the Signing certificate. then Why it's showing an error.

I am new to iOS Development.

Kindly help me.

I am herewith attached the screenshot of the image

enter image description here

i think, it shows proper signing certification under the provisioning profile.

So,The keychain doesn't have any problem.

enter image description here


  • 2023 UPDATE: XCODE 15

    Follow these steps to edit your provisioning profile and certificate.

    1. Login and goto
    2. Select Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles
    3. From left side panel, select Profiles
    4. Select the provisioning profile you are using and click to open it.
    5. select the Edit button Generate a Provisioning Profile page
    6. At the bottom, you can see the list of certificates.
    7. Select the one that is installed in your Keychain and click SAVE.
    8. Download the new provisioning profile and double click on it to save in keychain.
    9. Now check your Xcode, your new provisioning profile will start showing up. Select it and the error will go.