I have a statemachine.
const task1 = new sfn.Task(this, 'Assign Case', {
task: new tasks.InvokeFunction(Lambda1),
const task2 = new sfn.Task(this, 'Close Case', {
task: new tasks.InvokeFunction(Lambda2),
const chain = sfn.Chain.start(task1)
const StateMachine = new sfn.StateMachine(this, `StateMachine`, {
definition: chain
And I need to call this statemachine from Api-gateway resource.I have used the below code and it throws an error like 'statemacine is not assignable to paramaeter of type AwsIntegrationProps'
const resource = this.api.root.addResource(path);
resource.addMethod(method, new apigw.AwsIntegration(handler), { apiKeyRequired: true });
//handler is above statemachine
My api gateway integration request looks like this in console.
You should use apigateway.LambdaIntegration
which extends AwsIntegration.
export declare class LambdaIntegration extends AwsIntegration {
private readonly handler;
private readonly enableTest;
constructor(handler: lambda.IFunction, options?: LambdaIntegrationOptions);
bind(method: Method): void;
For example :
const getBookIntegration = new apigateway.LambdaIntegration(getBookHandler);
Later, use the lambdaIntegration
when creating a new method:
book.addMethod('GET', getBookIntegration);
More about LambdaIntegration.