In the first gjs tutorial, it shows how to create a Gtk.ApplicationWindow
which contains only a WebKit.WebView
. The example code given on that page works fine for me.
But if I modify that code to create a Gtk.Grid
and put the WebView
in that, it shows up blank instead of displaying the HTML.
This code:
_buildUI() {
this._window = new Gtk.ApplicationWindow ({
application: this.application,
title: "example",
window_position: Gtk.WindowPosition.CENTER });
this._label = new Gtk.Label({label:"This is a label"});
this._page = new Webkit.WebView ();
this._page.load_uri (GLib.filename_to_uri (GLib.get_current_dir() +
"/something.html", null));
this._grid = new Gtk.Grid();
this._grid.attach(this._label, 0, 0, 1, 1);
this._grid.attach(this._page, 0, 1, 1, 1);
this._window.add (this._grid);
gives a window containing only the label, with this._page
taking up zero space. If instead I set this._page
to a new Gtk.Label
, I see both elements.
strace shows that the program is loading the HTML.
What am I missing?
The WebView's preferred and natural width and height are 0 pixels, and it is not set to expand horizontally or vertically, so it is not allocated any space.