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Is is possible on iPad OS to detect if the keyboard is in floating mode?

We're running into a specific bug on iOS/iPadOS which seems to be triggered when the iPad is showing the floating (iphone-like) keyboard on screen (instead of the anchored one)

Our issue is specific to React Native and the KeyboardAvoidingView component. When the component renders and the keyboard is floating, the KeyboardAvoidingView completely mis-calculated the height required for the keyboard and hides about 95% of the screen height instead.

The KeyboardAvoidingView itself doesn't seem to have a way to detect whether or not the floating keyboard is on.

Is there a particular API that can be tapped into to detect this keyboard mode so we can turn off the KeyboardAvoidingView for it?

The Keyboard events (keyboardWillShow, keyboardDidShow, etc) don't seem to return any specific clues.


  • There is no such mode enum/indicator (at least for now), but having keyboard frame information

    public class let keyboardFrameBeginUserInfoKey: String // NSValue of CGRect
    public class let keyboardFrameEndUserInfoKey: String // NSValue of CGRect

    in corresponding keyboard notifications

    public class let keyboardWillShowNotification: NSNotification.Name
    public class let keyboardDidShowNotification: NSNotification.Name
    public class let keyboardWillHideNotification: NSNotification.Name
    public class let keyboardDidHideNotification: NSNotification.Name
    public class let keyboardWillChangeFrameNotification: NSNotification.Name
    public class let keyboardDidChangeFrameNotification: NSNotification.Name

    relative to screen bounds


    it is possible to detect if the frame of keyboard is at the edge of screen bottom or floating.

    Schematically it would be like

    keyboardAttached = NSMaxX(screenBounds) == NSMaxX(keyboardFrame) &&
        NSMaxY(screenBounds) == NSMaxY(keyboardFrame) && 
        NSWidth(screenBounds) == NSWidth(keyboardFrame)