I am trying to solve a challenge but the code keeps failing. I need to perform a ^ operation on doubles. Challenge was if I call a function calculate(3,2,^) then I should get the result 9.
I tried the below code but failed with this error:
error: binary operator '^' cannot be applied to two 'Double' operands
Below is my Code:
func calc(a: Double, b: Double, op: Character) -> Double {
var c:Double
c = 0
if op == "+"
c = a + b
else if op == "-"
c = a - b
else if op == "*"
c = a * b
else if op == "/"
c = a / b
else if op == "%"
let rem = a.truncatingRemainder(dividingBy: b)
c = rem
else if op == "^"
let z = a ^ b
c = z
return c
is the bitwise XOR operator, not exponentiation.
Use the pow(_:_:)
method instead:
else if op == "^"
c = pow(a, b)