I am using aws lambda function for google smart home action. I used aws api gateway for fulfillment url to reach lambda. I can successfully handle google assistant's intents with below code:-
const {smarthome} = require('actions-on-google');
const app = smarthome();
app.onExecute((body, headers) => {
return {
requestId: 'ff36...',
payload: {
// ...
app.onQuery((body, headers) => {
return {
requestId: 'ff36...',
payload: {
// ...
app.onSync((body, headers) => {
console.log("body: "+JSON.stringify(body));
console.log("headers: "+JSON.stringify(headers));
return {
requestId: 'ff36...',
payload: {
// ...
exports.handler = app;
On hard coding device details in this function, It can successfully reflect in google home app. But to get actual devices of user I need to get oauth token from "SYNC" intent. But all I got from this code is this output:-
body: {"inputs":[{"intent":"action.devices.SYNC"}],"requestId":"5604033533610827657"}
headers: {}
Unlike "Discover Directive" of Alexa's skill, which contains token in request.directive.endpoint.scope.token, google's intent doesn't seems to carry it. For O Auth, I am using AWS Cognito which works fine with Alexa Account linking and for google home too it can successfully link the account and show devices which I hardcode in lambda function.
As per this answer, the token is in
I've tried that and got nothing. It shows
"Cannot read property 'substr' of undefined".
The lambda handler in the Actions on Google client library assumes that the request headers are present at event.headers
within the input event
parameter of a Lambda Proxy Integration. If you have a custom Lambda integration or have otherwise modified the input mapping, you may need to edit your mapping template to ensure the headers are placed where the client library expects.