is any one tell me if there is python code to collect Prometheus metrics in Kubernetes cluster? I have 3 nodes connected with Kubernetes cluster, Prometheus already installed and all nodes are up and connected using Kubernetes cluster, I just want to know how I can export these metrics using python code? Thanks a lot
You can follow this guide and this guide. Essentially you will be using prometheus python client library to export metrics.
import prometheus_client as prom
import random
import time
req_summary = prom.Summary('python_my_req_example', 'Time spent processing a request')
def process_request(t):
if __name__ == '__main__':
counter = prom.Counter('python_my_counter', 'This is my counter')
gauge = prom.Gauge('python_my_gauge', 'This is my gauge')
histogram = prom.Histogram('python_my_histogram', 'This is my histogram')
summary = prom.Summary('python_my_summary', 'This is my summary')
while True:
gauge.set(random.random() * 15 - 5)
histogram.observe(random.random() * 10)
summary.observe(random.random() * 10)
process_request(random.random() * 5)