I am trying to add a GeoJSON layer to a Folium map but the layer is not visible in the map though it is visible in the layer selector of folium. I am able to view the data in Qgis so the data is correct. I also do not get an error in Spyder.
I also inspected the HTML in the browser and there seems to be a script added with all the coordinates etc. The browser does not display an error when inspecting the file.
Anyone an idea what I am missing?
import folium
m = folium.Map(
location=[-59.1759, -11.6016],
zoom_start=2 # Limited levels of zoom for free Mapbox tiles.
data=(open('./projects/test/data/breda_bus_route.geojson', "r").read()),
It might be case that GeoJSON layer is not visible since it's not fit within the given map view, try to dynamically fit GeoJSON layer to the map view:
layer = folium.GeoJson(
data=(open(path, "r").read()),
).add_to(m) # 1. keep a reference to GeoJSON layer
m.fit_bounds(layer.get_bounds()) # 2. fit the map to GeoJSON layer
It appears it was related with GeoJSON file projection EPSG::3857
, Leaflet expects EPSG:4326
Once GeoJSON reprojected, the layer will be rendered like this