I'm trying to use purrr without piping for some consistency in syntax. But I'm running into the following trouble extract list elements at the same depth
## Example of a list
Henry_VIII <- list(name="Henry Tudor",DOB=as.Date("28 June 1491", format=("%d %B %Y")),place_of_birth="Palace of Placentia, Greenwich, Kent",
DOD=as.Date("28 January 1547", format=("%d %B %Y")),place_of_death="Palace of Whitehall, London")
Catherine_of_Aragon <- list(name="Catherine of Aragon", marriage_date=1509, end_date=1533, end_cause="annulled")
Anne_Boleyn <- list(name="Anne Boleyn", marriage_date=1533, end_date=1536, end_cause="executed")
Henry_VIII <- list(name="Henry Tudor",DOB=as.Date("28 June 1491", format=("%d %B %Y")),place_of_birth="Palace of Placentia, Greenwich, Kent",
DOD=as.Date("28 January 1547", format=("%d %B %Y")),place_of_death="Palace of Whitehall, London", marriages=list(Catherine_of_Aragon,Anne_Boleyn))
sapply(1:length(Henry_VIII$marriages), function(x) Henry_VIII$marriages[[x]]$end_cause) ##works fine
Henry_VIII$marriages %>% map_depth(1,4) ## also works fine
But, the following throws an error
purrr::map(Henry_VIII$marriages, c(1,4))
Should I just use piping, or is there an obvious syntax error I'm missing?
You didn't specify the function you need to apply i.e
purrr::map(Henry_VIII$marriages, `[[`, 4)
#Similar to
#purrr::map(Henry_VIII$marriages, ~.x[[4]])
#[1] "annulled"
#[1] "executed"
Or perhaps, in this case map_chr
would be better?
purrr::map_chr(Henry_VIII$marriages, `[[`, 4)
#[1] "annulled" "executed"