The following is a test for conv2d_transpose.
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
x = tf.constant(np.array([[
[[-67], [-77]],
[[-117], [-127]]
]]), tf.float32)
# shape = (3, 3, 1, 1) -> (height, width, input_channels, output_channels) - 3x3x1 filter
f = tf.constant(np.array([
[[[-1]], [[2]], [[-3]]],
[[[4]], [[-5]], [[6]]],
[[[-7]], [[8]], [[-9]]]
]), tf.float32)
conv = tf.nn.conv2d_transpose(x, f, output_shape=(1, 5, 5, 1), strides=[1, 2, 2, 1], padding='VALID')
The result:
[[[[ 67.]
[ -134.]
[ 278.]
[ -154.]
[ 231.]]
[[ -268.]
[ 335.]
[ -710.]
[ 385.]
[ -462.]]
[[ 586.]
[ -770.]
[ 1620.]
[ -870.]
[ 1074.]]
[[ -468.]
[ 585.]
[ 635.]
[ -762.]]
[[ 819.]
[ -936.]
[ 1942.]
[ 1143.]]]], shape=(1, 5, 5, 1), dtype=float32)
To my understanding, it should work as described in Figure 4.5 in the doc
Therefore, the first element (conv[0,0,0,0]) should be -67*-9=603. Why it turns out to be 67?
The result may be expained by the following image:. But why the convolution kernel is inversed?
To explain best, I have made a
figure to explain the results that you obtained.
I guess above illustration might help explain the reason why the first element of transpose conv. feature map is 67
A key thing to note:
determines how far apart the overlays are. In our case, stride = 2, hence the filter moves by 2 in both x
& y
dimension after each convolution with the original downsampled feature map.