Once the AdMob banner is displayed, it blinks the screen knowing that there is no error reporting in the console!
The screen viewing the ad includes a spinner that runs until some data are fetched from an API, so I kept the spinner loading until the Ad is present to avoid blinking, but the screen still blinks when Ad is shown.
This is a sample from my code:
// autoShow = true in config.
// Boolean variable that is assigned to the *ngIf directive to keep the spinner until the
// banner is loaded.
// <ion-spinner name="crescent" *ngIf="!isDataLoaded&&!(isBannerLoaded)"></ion-spinner>
What is causing the screen blink when a banner is viewed? And how to solve this?!
(ionic 4)
It seems that it is a fault in the ionic AdMob plugin where this issue is reported on the ionic forum without proposed solutions! https://forum.ionicframework.com/t/admob-screen-flash-on-load/25526
I had solved this by waiting for the AdMob banner to be shown and then display my actual view where this is controlled by using the *ngIf directive and a Boolean variable like this:
isContentVisible: boolean=false;
This will decrease the blink by 95%, but it may take some seconds to display if the internet connection is weak!
By the way the blink is slight, and will not be a clearly noticed issue, but to be professional it must be solved!
Hope the the ionic AdMob developers will solve that!